Why Do Wisdom Teeth Become Impacted?

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Wisdom teeth commonly spring up in people between the ages of 17 and 21. They’re our third molars or the last teeth to emerge, hence, they’re called “wisdom teeth” because it’s believed that finally having them means we’ve already grown “wiser.”

But if you’re past 21 and haven’t grown any wisdom teeth yet, it’s nothing to worry about because not all people actually grow them. Wisdom teeth have got something to do with evolution, particularly at the time when early humans only ate roots, leaves, uncooked meat, and nuts. Today, with cooked and soften food, plus utensils to slice or crush them with, wisdom teeth are no longer as necessary.

People who still grow wisdom teeth often experience problems with it, such as pain in the jaw and gums. These are signs of impacted wisdom teeth, which could lead to more complications if not removed. You should visit reputable dentists around Taylorsville, Utah or other locations for a wisdom teeth removal procedure if you feel any pain.

What is Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

If your third molars don’t have enough room to grow properly, then they’d be called impacted wisdom teeth. Because of this circumstance, they’ll end up growing sideways, at a wrong angle or direction, or only partially. This causes pain which can affect the rest of your teeth,

Many people grow wisdom teeth normally and experience no problems. Their cases do not require wisdom teeth removal. Note, however, that wisdom teeth may not always be visible, especially if they’re impacted. An x-ray will confirm if you have wisdom teeth.

What are the Causes?

The general cause of impacted wisdom teeth is the lack of adequate space in the gums for the third molars. Another typical cause is the teeth growing in the wrong direction.

Types of Impaction

There are several ways wisdom teeth can be impacted. If the tooth is pointed towards the front of the mouth, it is known as mesioangular impaction. If it’s pointed towards the back of the mouth, it is called distoangular impaction. The two other types of impaction are vertical impaction and horizontal impaction. Vertical is when the wisdom tooth don’t break through the gum line, and horizontal is when it’s angled at a full 90° degrees and grow in the roots of the molar beside it.


You may have impacted wisdom teeth if you feel the following:

  • pain and/or swelling around the jaw
  • inflamed gums
  • bad breath
  • an unpleasant taste that lingers in the mouth
  • problems when opening the mouth
  • cavities

Problems, Health Risks, and Complications Associated With Impacted Wisdom Teeth

If left untreated, impacted wisdom teeth may lead to the following:

  • crooked or crowded teeth
  • jaw damage (cyst, tumor, or nerve damage)
  • sinus issues


wisdom tooth

Taking painkillers can ease the symptoms. You can also gargle antibacterial mouthwash or warm water with a teaspoon of salt to reduce gum inflammation.

Removal through surgery will be recommended if your wisdom teeth cause you pain and other problems. But even if you don’t experience any problems, removal may still be necessary. Dentists extract healthy molars to save you from problems as you grow older. With age, the bones in the mouth become harder, making teeth extraction more difficult. Removal also prevents complications from occurring.

Book an appointment with your dentist now if you suspect that you may already be growing wisdom teeth. Make sure you’re practicing proper oral hygiene to maintain your oral health and prevent the other problems that impacted wisdom teeth may cause.

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